in 2005 majesco entertainment hosted a sweepstakes begining april 19th, 2005, and ending July 19, 2005 for a chance to win a $5,000 grand prize, with 5 winners being eleigable. the staple of this sweepstakes was a golden disc, however,according to their rules and terms page theirs no mention of an actual 'golden' disc and rather a certificate.
the gold disc, if it even exists, is considerd lost media today as no one has ever seen it
here is a capture of the official promotion page with links to the rules and participating retailers (EB Games,Toys R Us, and Walmart.
the promotion for this sweepstakes(as well as their other sweepstakes for psychonauts) are really confusing, considering the marketing of the gold disc in stores and on physical games, but the rules describe it as more of a certificate! it could be both, but it also could be that their is no disc at all.. wich would be dissapointing! but still interesting to see what a certificate would look like..
another thing id like to clarify is that their were in fact 15 gold discs spread out across retailers, but only 5 were eligable winners it details here im the middle of the article how each retailer will recieve 5 discs
howrver even people at the time... were confused on the 5/ 15 thing here is a link to an old mixnmojo community post about the subject of the golden discs. i do really reckon their had to be at least 15 (5 for walmart, 5 for eb games, 5 for toys r us) and for some reason only 5 were eleigiable for a win
another thing id like to mention before leaving is that i havent seen a single archived newsletter or post from the doublefine team via wayback about either lost psycjonauts sweepstakes (psychoportals and the golden disc).
even the psychonauts plasmaglobe is barely mentioned besides the knowledge that it was all majescos marketing, wich leads me to beleive that majesco was the main organizer of the sweepstakes and doublefine had nothing to do with it(wich tracks considering it was majescos job.)
however majesco has a history of bad marketing, bankruptcy, and.... not updating their websites newsfeed?(hey dont look at me ok? so far via wayback their posts are so far spread out and barley mention any events they had going at the time!)